Tuesday, 27 February 2007

BR: The Husband (Dean Koontz)

Amazon Link: The Husband

Again, I read this one some months ago and didn't write myself a response straight away. It's all a little hazy now, except to say that I adored Mitch, the protag in this novel. The ending though, let the story down. In expected DK fashion, there was a happy ending, but the climax scene was... over the top, yet disappointing.

And, Mitch, a gardener with little exposure to violence or death, made it through the entire novel with barely a scratch.

Overall, the novel was fast-paced and by the time I was 2/3rds through, I read it straight through to the end, my heart pounding. It's not a novel that leaves a lasting resonance though, rather, like a good action movie, it thrills then it spills... and you move on. DK has done much better than this, in my humble opinion.

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