Friday, 12 February 2010

WoTD: coquetry

1. dalliance, flirtation

Marion danced with the lustful, uninhibited vigour of a gypsy temptress. Her hair, earlier coiled and knotted at the crown of her head, now flicked and trailed, a glorious russet mane as bold and liberated as she. Her dance partner, a solid gentleman with an unfortunately protruding chin and unflattering rim of stomach fat, lumbered in false step behind her. He lasted one waltz – attributable to her generous nature – before she fell out of sync and wafted into the arms of another. Her manner and allure might have been interpreted as blatant coquetry, a threat to any attached women who dared to allow their men to fall prey. Yet the women offered no challenge and the men knew better.

Later, when the dance ended and the couples went home, Marion stayed behind and danced in the silence, her footfalls a quick step on polished boards. No man waited for her. No woman lingered to defend her territory. Marion danced alone.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Aww... At first I imagined Marion to be like Dr Quinn, I think because of her hair. But I wonder what's going on inside of Marion, why she is the way she is. This one needs an ending!